Understanding your New (Older) Body.

As our body’s ages soooo many things change, some gradually, some it seems like all at once.

Daoist and now scientists have set the maximum human lifespan at 120 years. But the average American has few healthy birthdays past 65 years. However, if you're dialed into Chinese medicine that will not be your experience.

The reason my patients take powdered Chinese herbs that taste like dirt is to promote a vital long-life. Chinese medicine has been focused on life extension for millennium.

And now science has confirmed the herbs that regularly show up in your herb formula help your organs, your brain, and your immune system to function better.

However, there is another piece to the vibrant living plan. Because past 45-50 years your body is as interested in breaking down muscle as it is in building it up. Basically, your body is going to do one or the other of those things.  

To care properly for our new (older) body it’s time to replace the mantra “No pain. No gain” with “Use it or lose it”.

There are a lot of muscles that do not come into use during daily activities. As those less used muscles become weaker, they tighten and like a sulky teenager muscles begin ignoring signals from the brain. This causes the gait to become uneven and increases wear and tear on the joints.

To stops this before it gets to far exercise that moves muscles through their full range of motion across sagittal, coronal, and transverse planes is needed.

What mature muscles need:

  • To be lengthened, strengthened, and reminded what they are meant to do using light exercises maybe 15-20 minutes most days.

  • Exercise to muscle fatigue to build strength Use something that can be considered high intensity interval training. This allows both the muscles and the nervous system to practice recovery after a burst of effort.

  • Prolonged strenuous exercise will release cortisol and is no longer useful.

  • Low intensity prolonged exercise like walking or hiking is always beneficial.

  • Do NOT work through muscle pain - let it recover.

Recently a 93 year old Irish man made headlines worldwide when doctors pegged his physical performance on par with a 40-year-old. His approach incorporated these ideas. . These small adjustments now will keep you strong and vibrant for years to come.